Dear Landfall Residents, 

The Traffic Logix speed radar system has now been operational and citations have been issued through the first quarter. As previously communicated, when the first two months of citation activity were compared, January to February, from the one camera in one location, we saw a decrease of 33% in the number of speeding citations issued. While the Landfall Council of Association (LCOA) Board of Directors and the Covenants & Security Committee, as well as the LCOA Security and Staff, are encouraged by this reduction, our goal remains to have zero speeding citations issued. 

As previously stated in prior communications, the expansion of the Traffic Logix system continues. Effective April 1, 2024, please be aware that there are now five speed radar cameras installed in various locations. This currently leaves two remaining cameras to be installed. We anticipate the entire network of cameras to be installed in the very near future. This complete network will provide for a total of seven speed radar cameras throughout the Landfall community. 

Please be reminded that the Traffic Logix cameras are portable and may be relocated frequently to locations predetermined by historical data gathered by Landfall Security and evaluated by Landfall’s Covenants & Security Committee. 

As a result, please remind your guests, vendors and contractors that Landfall is very serious about slowing traffic in the community. EVERYONE should be traveling the Landfall roadways at the posted speed limits. 

Thank you for your help in making this community safety initiative a success. 


The Landfall COA     

Author: Admin