Dear Landfall Residents,
The City of Wilmington’s Design Adjustment Committee will meet on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 1:30p.m. in the City Council Chambers to formally review a proposal from MegaCorp Logistics located at 1011 Ashes Drive. This is a request for design adjustments for a proposed parking expansion. The site is zoned O&I; the Case is #DAC-8-1223.
Please note that changes to existing zoning, special use permits, conditional zoning, preliminary subdivision plans and street closures can potentially impact adjoining properties. Therefore, all interested persons are invited to attend this meeting if you would like to make any comments concerning this application.
Additional information about the most recent proposed parking expansion can be obtained by accessing the attached link:
When this screen is accessed, then click on the “Attachment” shown for the “Site Plan Version 3”. This is the version that was submitted on 11/14/2023 and is the first Attachment located on the Project Tracking screen.
If you have specific questions regarding this proposal or the Committee meeting, please contact the City of Wilmington at (910) 341-3250.
As Always, When We Know You’ll Know!
Your Landfall Task Force