Dear Landfall Residents,
The Landfall COA has recently contracted with KCI Engineering of Raleigh, NC to produce a survey of the road rights-of-way along Pembroke Jones Drive and Arboretum Drive.
KCI plans to begin the site work the week of Monday, August 15, 2022. However, at this time, the exact schedule determining the location of the survey teams throughout the process has not been received.
We are making everyone aware, but primarily our residents that live along these two major thoroughfares, as you may encounter land surveyors accompanied by survey equipment in front of your home. There should be no disruption to your property or the road rights-of-way areas during this process, as there is no expected land excavation.
You may wish to allow a little additional time when traversing these areas throughout the survey process since there may be minor traffic delays.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Landfall COA