Important Information From Your COA Board

September 30, 2018
Dear Landfall Home Owners and Property Owners:
The Landfall Council of Associations board held an emergency meeting on Friday regarding the hurricane damage to Landfall. Though Hurricane Florence was a category 1 storm, it left behind category 3 / 4 tree damage with approximately 3,000 downed trees, making it the worst natural disaster in Landfall history.
Our staff has worked diligently, both before Florence arrived, with significant preparatory efforts, and now with the cleanup process. About 20 staff members spent the first four days, 24 hours a day, on site and responded to the most severe issues whenever it was safe to do so. Many of our employees were not able to get to work until recently and have suffered serious personal loss.
We have had tremendous support from four of our regular contractors. Their teams arrived early and have been here ever since. You have probably seen their trucks and equipment throughout the property.
The cost of our repairs and restoration of capital improvements in response to this emergency is substantial, and the board will call on all of us who own land in Landfall soon to respond to this exceptional and emergent need. In Landfall’s 30 year history, only one special assessment has ever been levied by the Landfall Council of Associations. That was following the 1996 hurricanes, Bertha and Fran. Your board has been reviewing costs and options and has determined that a special assessment will be necessary at this time. These costs will be shared and divided among the 2,033 properties assessed and is anticipated to be no more than $2,000. We will complete our analysis of the total anticipated cleanup and repair costs and intend to levy that assessment within the week. We have already incurred significant expenses to respond to this catastrophic damage. Your prompt payment will be appreciated to ensure that there is adequate cash flow.
Because of rough road conditions and heavy contractor presence, caution is needed by all drivers. We, along with our contractors, estimate that it will take until at least the end of October to complete the basic cleanup. Stormwater and road repairs will continue for several weeks thereafter. The affected roads will be overlayed once the heaviest cleanup work has been completed. Please drive carefully, obey all flagmen and plan for a little extra time. Additionally, it will take many months for sod replacement and other landscape repairs to our common areas.
We also suffered damage to many areas of perimeter fencing, including the Eastwood wall, damage to multiple COA structures, the Drysdale gate, the nature trails, eighty-two streetlight fixtures, and ten streetlight poles. It is hoped that the Drysdale Gate will be operational by next week. Rest assured that we are addressing these issues as quickly as possible.
The COA Board of Directors