COA Updates

October 18, 2017


On Friday October 13th an informational meeting was held with members of North Carolina Wildlife, to include the Coastal Regional Supervisor for our District’s biologist as well as the District Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer, a Wrightsville Beach Park Ranger, some concerned owners and COA board member and staff.  We were all extremely grateful for the Wildlife experts time and information shared. In part they informed us that coyotes are throughout the United States and are very adaptive to their environments. They can live in urban and metropolitan areas. Although in other areas of the United States coyotes may travel in packs, we were informed that the coyotes in our area live in family units. We were informed that one of the reasons we are seeing them more at this time is that the pups that were born in April/May are learning to live on their own before they leave the family unit. Pups disperse an average of 30-50 miles but can disperse over 200 miles.

Please be aware that there are ways to lessen the sightings of these coyotes in Landfall. For starters, coyotes are attracted to unsecured food, garbage and discarded foods.  Please ensure that you and your family members are aware of your surroundings and if you are outside ensure that your pets are on a leash. Harassment of coyotes will make them feel unwelcomed. This can be achieved by blowing a whistle, using a noise making device, shine a flashlight or throw a tennis ball or golf ball at them.

We have sent out two emails since April talking about our wildlife including coyotes. They have become very comfortable living amongst people and have attacked domestic pets in the neighborhood. We need the entire community’s help at getting these animals under control. We have bow hunters that are trying to cull these coyote’s however this is a very difficult task. Starting December 1st we have two professional trappers coming in to live trap the coyote’s and release them in a 10,000 acre pen in the middle of the state. Prior to December 1st coyotes that are trapped are euthanized.

Please keep in mind a complete eradication is almost impossible. With a community effort we will certainly make big strides at reducing the risk. Please click here to review a very informative presentation from the North Carolina Division of Wildlife Management.

Landfall Lake

The Landfall Lake has been lowered to the State storm water permitted level. The bare shelf areas from the bottom of the bank to the open water in the middle of the lake will sprout with aquatic plant material in the spring and fill in. The lake level was raised temporarily to get rid of some very invasive weeds. It was a huge success and the lake has been returned to its permitted level. Please click here to read up on some more very interesting history and facts regarding Landfall Lake.

Author: Admin