From the Chairman, Gary Caison:

Landfall Council of Associations May 23, 2023, Board of Directors Meeting Summary

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Landfall COA was held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023.  COA financials for the period ending April 30, 2023, were reviewed.  The COA Operating equity was $195,000, which was $246,000 over budget plan and $129,000 over the same period last year.  The Capital Improvement Funds (CIF) equity ended the period at $3,719,000 and is projected to end the year at $3,063,000.  Landfall Association Services (LAS) ended with a net income of $73,000, which was $26,000 over budget plan.  Landfall Owners Services (LOS) ended with a net income of $63,000, which was $127,000 over budget plan.  

Ivan Rossinskiy and Sandra Moore, Landfall Security Guards, will be recognized by the Wilmington Fire Department for their first responder efforts and life saving measures in the line of duty. This is a perfect opportunity for the Landfall Board of Directors to express our heartfelt appreciation to them for their exemplary service in the line of duty to the Landfall community! 

The 2022 draft COA audit was accepted and the 2022 COA tax return was approved as presented.   

There has been a seamless installation thus far of the new gate access software system, Applications by Design (ABDi).  Our objective is to have the new ABDi program fully implemented for guest entry and authorization by Landfall Security and our Landfall owners by June 15.  Other additional features of the system may be delayed into late July due to related policy requirements that will be reviewed by Covenants & Security and approved by the Board prior to implementation.  One feature of this system will include the collection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from guests and vendors.  As a result, the Board approved a new Employee Confidentiality Policy to include an HR Retention Policy related to retention and destruction of this collected “Confidential Information”.

The quarterly traffic count analysis for March 2023 has been completed.  During a 7-day, 24 hour period, a total of almost 49,300 vehicles entered our security gates.  Arboretum remains the most utilized gate with Eastwood and Drysdale to follow.  Overall, the level of traffic entering our gates has increased by 9.24% over the past four years.   

The Landfall CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) organization has been dissolved with $12,000 in remaining funds at dissolution.  These funds were spent with CERT approval for COA needed safety items, to include reflective roadway markings, flashing trailer lights and flashing green lights for maintenance vehicles to be used during hazardous, severe weather events. The reflectors will be wider and longer down the middle of the roadway on Pembroke Jones Drive, Arboretum Drive, Deer Island Lane, and Odyssey Drive.  Likewise, reflectors will be placed on top of the golf cart crossing ramps so that they are clearly visible.  

The Landfall COA is working with the Country Club of Landfall (CCL) in hopes of co-hosting a 2024 children’s Easter Egg Hunt.  Information will be shared with the community as it becomes available. 

The 2023 Landfall Benchmarking Demographic Survey will be released in June.  This survey, previously sent in 2019 and 2021, is a result of a prior Board decision to survey the residents every two years.  The survey will be published via Survey Monkey and emailed to all owners with hard copies being mailed to owners without an email addresses on file with the COA.  Results of the Demographic Survey will be published in the Landfall Voice newsletter and posted on the COA website. 

Fireworks, visible from the Nicklaus driving range, will be held at 9:15pm on the evening of July 3rd.  The following morning, the July 4th morning parade will be held with kid’s games at the Landfall Recreation site to follow.     

The COA annual Volunteer Luncheon will be held at the Dye Clubhouse on August 15 at 11am.  The COA will mail formal invitations to all volunteers.

Roll out of the new Resident Portal Application is planned for late June to early July, with the Landfall Owner Directory currently in development.   The Traffic Logix equipment for photo recognition and distribution of speeding tickets based on license plate photo evidence is onsite and awaiting implementation. 

The COA’s new computer server installation and Quickbooks upgrade went well.  Next steps will include a demo of the Facilities Maintenance Application, in hopes that this will be the resource needed to streamline the COA Maintenance and Accounting processes.     

The Landfall COA Buildings & Grounds Committee presented a detailed proposal regarding the plan to expand the Holiday Lighting Program.  The proposal provides for the lighting of poles from each of the three gates (Eastwood, Drysdale, and Arboretum) to a main intersection along with key intersections throughout the development, for a total of 50 light poles.  It is expected that the decorations would start to be put up by the COA in early November and would be taken down by mid-January of each year.    

At the March 2023 COA Board meeting and two Sidewalk Workshops, our COA Board members have continued to discuss the viability of any sidewalk construction project, funding, and required stormwater permitting, as well as pro and con community interest, and individual owner opposition.  To assist the Board with some unanswered questions, the sidewalk surveyor, KCI Engineering’s Engineer Brian Kraynak, attended the Board meeting via Zoom.  We will keep you posted as to new developments regarding this project as they become available. 

The Landfall COA has received a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the governance and their opinion of the conditions at Landfall Lake.  This letter will be beneficial in communicating with owners concerned about our compliance and the aesthetics of this area.  

The Azalea Garden Tour was a traffic and parking success for Landfall.  There is a rotation related to how often the tour returns to the same areas; however, the tour directors would like to include Landfall homes in the future.  

As an update for the potential fiber network installation projects, a proposal by Cloudwyze and AT&T is being considered.  Unfortunately, Spectrum has declined to continue negotiations with Landfall.  Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.  

The Duke Energy’s easement with regard to the property connecting the Drysdale Drive recreation site and the South Moorings sidewalks has been researched to determine what is permitted in this area.  Specifically, walking paths and low canopy planting are allowed.  However, structures cannot be constructed above ground and irrigation cannot be installed below the ground.  The Board has asked that this power line area become the Buildings & Grounds (B&G) Committee’s priority.  Items to consider include suggested plantings and rough timelines of such a development in the power line location, keeping in mind the requirements set forth in the Duke Energy easement. 

Meeting adjourned with the next meeting scheduled for July 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

Author: Admin