Hello Landfall Residents,
Since January 1, 2024, the Traffic Logix speed radar camera has been fully operational and citations have been issued. When we compare the first two months of operation, January to February, from this one camera in this one location, we have seen a decrease of 33% in the number of speeding citations issued. Where this reduction is significant, our goal is zero.
The Landfall Council of Association (LCOA) Board of Directors and the Covenants & Security Committee, as well as LCOA Security and Staff are encouraged by this reduction in citations and appreciate those of you who have heeded the warning and have slowed down. However, the number of speeding citations being generated continues to be of concern; particularly when you consider the amount of effort put forth in providing awareness to all who enter our gates.
Our hope is that Traffic Logix will continue to be a very effective calming measure that will reduce speeding and assist in modifying the driving behaviors of everyone using the Landfall roadways. Again, understand that the overall objective of the radar camera system in Landfall is community safety.
As the normal progression of the rollout and expansion of the Traffic Logix system continues, be aware that the community’s second speed radar camera will be installed and actively issuing citations by Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
So, again, please remind all of your guests, vendors and contractors that Landfall is serious about slowing traffic in the community. EVERYONE should be traveling the Landfall roadways at the posted speed limits. We must all work together to make this safety initiative successful.
Thank you for your continued support,
Chief Adam & Your Landfall Security Team