Dear Landfall Residents,

During the week of July 10th through July 14th, weather permitting, we will be seal coating several road surfaces throughout Landfall. In order to complete this process the affected roads will need to be closed from 7am to 7pm on the day of the application.

No vehicular or pedestrian traffic will be permitted to travel on these roads between the hours of 7am to 7pm, on the day of the application. Please make the necessary arrangements to have your cars out of the area planned for seal coating before 7am, or plan on leaving your vehicle at home until after 7pm. 

If you live along one of these affected roads you should expect a phone call to your number registered with the Landfall COA two days prior to your roads’ scheduled closing.

 The following is the Seal Coating Schedule: 

Monday, July 10th, 2023 

Road Closed 7am to 7pm 

  • Mews Drive
  • Dijon Drive 
  • Fontenay Place 
  • Vincennes Place 
  • Cricket Court 
  • Melody Lane

Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

Road Closed 7am to 7pm 

  • Wycliffe Court
  • Madeira Court 
  • Inverness Lane
  • Leith Court 
  • Hallmark Lane 
  • Crestland Circle
  • Gresham Court 
  • Half of Senova Trace and Hallmark Lane from Senova Trace to Odyssey Lane will be closed, and half will remain open*

*This will allow total access to Battery Park 

Woodbridge Residents: please be reminded this includes all of Woodbridge’s alleyways 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Road closed 7am to 7pm 

  • Gleneagles Lane
  • Starfix Terrace
  • Glenora Place 
  • Lunar Lane 
  • Galaxy Court 

Thursday, July 13th, 2023

Road Closed 7am to 7pm 

  • Verrazzano Place 
  • Orion Place 
  • Aurora Place 
  • Radian Road from 1535 Radian Rd. To Pembroke Jones Drive (closest to Eastwood Gate)*

*Access to Cross Staff and Cross Staff Place will be available. 

Friday, July 14th, 2023

Road Closed 7am to 7pm 

  • Quadrant Circle 
  • Radian Road From 1535 Radian Rd. to Pembroke Jones Drive (closest to Quadrant).*

*Access to Cross Staff and Cross Staff Place will be available. 

In preparation, painted markings were placed on these roadways today. Please note the date associated with this signage.

Please turn off all irrigation systems the night before and day of the scheduled seal coating of your road. 

All areas will be blocked off with cones and caution tape. Please do not remove these.

Please do not drive on the wet seal coating as this will stain your driveway and could also stain your vehicle. The Contractor nor the Landfall COA are responsible for the cleaning of driveways or vehicles in conjunction with this process. 

I apologize to everyone as I know this is going to be a terrible inconvenience. However, let me explain some of the benefits of seal coating as we extend the life of our roadways, which is a huge financial benefit to us all. 

The seal coating process is important in increasing the longevity of our roads. Some of the benefits of seal coating include:

  • Preventing water intrusion beneath the surface
  • Slowing deterioration from oxidation
  • Protecting the asphalt binder from oils and gasoline
  • Enhancing skid-resistance
  • Enhancing flexibility
  • Extends pavement life

Please use extreme caution when traversing the roadways during this time and obey all cones and caution tape.

We will update you with any changes as the project progresses. If you have questions, comments or need assistance throughout this process please email or call 910-256-7651. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Thank you,

Stephen Hughes, COO

Author: Admin