News from
Landfall CERT
September 7, 2016
Changes to Membership Requirements
At the June Landfall CERT board of directors meeting, changes to the current membership requirements were passed, in an effort to give residents more flexibility and time in meeting them. Those who are interested can join our organization immediately and then obtain both first aid and CPR certification during their first year. Additionally, new members only need to enroll in the formal classroom CERT program during their first year.
Upcoming Classes
New Hanover County and CFCC are hosting the fall CERT formal training program beginning September 15 and the required first aid & CPR certification training will be offered on October 18. These courses are taught by American Heart Association instructors from First Hands CPR, Inc. The CPR class is practical – infant, child and adult CPR, Heimlich maneuver, use of the Automatic Electronic Defibrillators we see in public places. The First Aid class covers the range of every day emergencies – stroke, sprains, breaks, heat issues, bleeding, severe allergic reactions, seizures, etc. CPR techniques have been refined and updated and there are new rules of thumb in the First Aid procedures. AHA certificate (good for two years) will be issued upon completing each class.
*CPR – Tuesday, Oct 18 – 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
*First Aid – Tuesday, Oct 18 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
All classes will meet in the Watkins Room, Northeast Regional Library. The class Fee: $40 for one class (CPR or First Aid) OR both CPR and First Aid classes for $60
To register, click here to download a registration form OR you may pick up a Registration Form at the COA front desk. Complete the form and mail along with your check to:
Landfall CERT
c/o Debbie Socha
2015 Bay Colony Lane
Wilmington NC 28405
OR Email for drop-off directions.
Registration deadline for October 18 class: Friday, Oct 14.
Cancellation Policy
- Cancel more than 48 hours before the start of the class, your check will be returned or shredded.
- Cancel less than 48 hours before the start of the class, your check will be deposited. However, credit will be applied to any future CPR or First Aid classes.
For more information about Landfall CERT or NHCCERT, please email: or find us on Facebook: