Hello Landfall Residents,


Happy Holidays to you all! We want to thank you for the immense amount of support during this unprecedented year.

As we approach the end of the year and we start to prepare for 2021, our goal is to simplify this transition as much as possible for everyone. We plan to roll over all existing 2020 mow, turf, and extended services contracts. Please notify us if you would like to make any changes to your services for the upcoming year. Your current mowing, edging, and blowing price will remain the same for 2021. The extended service price will increase from $31/man hour to $32/man hour. The turf program price will increase by $100.00. This new price will include an additional insecticide treatment to treat for sod web-worms and army worms. Please keep in mind if you joined our turf program mid-year, your invoice will be adjusted to reflect the entire year. An a-la-carte price list is listed below. If you have already signed your 2021 contract, you may disregard this email.

Please also be reminded of our new website feature, where residents may request work orders and estimates online, by using the following link:


If you have any questions, or if you would like to make changes to your current services, please email maintenance@landfall.org. We appreciate your continued patronage with the Landfall COA.

2021 Additional Services Price List

Sod Prices:

Centipede- $520.00/pallet installed

Bermuda- $520.00/pallet installed

St. Augustine- $560.00/pallet installed

Zoysia- $560.00/pallet installed

 Pine Straw:

Delivered- $14.30/roll delivered

Installed- $16.80/roll installed


Forest Brown / Triple Shred- Installation & Delivery – $65.00/cubic yard

Forest Brown / Triple Shred- Delivery Only- $35.00/cubic yard+ $40.00 delivery fee

Topsoil- $80.00/cubic yard

Turkey Compost- $80.00/cubic yard

Round up – $10.00/gallon

 Yard Debris Pick-Up & Disposal:

Truckload – $50.00/load

Trailer Load – $75.00/load

Dump Truck – $120.00/load

 Hourly Rates:

Landscape Work, bed maintenance, and tip pruning- $32.00/man hour + materials

Pool Maintenance- $45.00/man hour + materials

Irrigation, Drainage, Sod, and Handyman Services – $50.00/man hour + materials

Horticulture and Landscape Designs- $50.00/man hour + materials

Specialty Pruning of Japanese Maples – $55.00/man hour + materials

Small Engine Mechanical Repair – $55.00/man hour + materials

Additional pricing and services available upon request.


Best Wishes,

Stephen D. Hughes

Chief Operating Officer

Author: Admin