Landfall Maintenance News and Updates

Hello Landfall Residents!

We hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying the beautiful weather. As many of you are aware, the Landfall COA maintenance team experienced the tragic passing of one of our key employees earlier in the year. This has been a difficult time for both our residents and our staff. As we continue to process the loss of Brandon, we are faced with the difficult task of reassigning duties and job responsibilities. We want to thank each and every one of our residents for their support and understanding throughout the past few months.

As we continue through this transitional phase, we want to ensure the Landfall community is kept up-to-date with changes and information.

Firstly, we want to ensure the community that the health and safety of our residents and staff members is of the utmost priority. We are working very diligently to encourage safe practices in our offices and onsite.

Secondly, we want to communicate the changes and updates in our maintenance department. Please remember to contact Brittni and Carly in our maintenance office for all of your needs. Landfall maintenance prides itself on being able to offer the Landfall community a variety of different services. For this reason, we employ many industry experts and experienced staff members. Due to the number of departments and resources we offer, many of our team members specialize in different areas. This is why it is important to ensure the maintenance office is your primary source of communication.

You may contact the office by emailing or by calling (910) 256-7604. You may also reach out to us by submitting an online work order request by utilizing the following link:

We want to provide you with a quick breakdown of our departments and the talented individuals who run them.

The Landfall Maintenance Department consists of three major parts, COA common area maintenance, Landfall Owner Services (LOS), and Landfall Association Services (LAS).

Common Area Maintenance- This team keeps Landfall looking beautiful and maintains the COA common areas to our world-class standards. You can see some of their amazing work at our entrances, as well as Overlook Park and Temple Garden.

Landfall Owner Services (LOS) – Mowing, edging, blowing, pruning, weeding, and turf chemical treatments for the individual homeowners. Many of our individualized services such as horticulture, interior/exterior design, pool maintenance, irrigation, sod, pine straw, mulch, and handyman services also fall under this label.

Landfall Association Services (LAS)- Offers maintenance to the individual associations within Landfall. This includes routine maintenance contracts (such as mowing, edging, and blowing) to entire associations.

The profits brought in by our LOS and LAS departments fund operations, help offset residents’ dues, and finance community improvement projects. By utilizing these services, you are keeping your money here in Landfall!

Several of our department heads and their roles are listed below.

If you have any questions, or if you would like more information on Landfall maintenance, please contact the maintenance office.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you all for your continued patronage,

Stephen D. Hughes

Author: Admin