Landfall 2020 Census

August 20, 2019

Hello Landfall Residents,

The COA has been contacted by the United States Census Bureau to inform everyone that they have begun the Address Canvassing portion of the 2020 Census. The purpose of this work is to update the Census Bureau’s address list before the actual counting begins. 

Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, August 21st, and continuing through September 20th, members of the US Census Bureau will be in Landfall completing this work. While the COA is working closely with the Census Bureau, it will still be necessary for the Census Bureau employees to drive through the property to verify locations and in some cases attempt to make contact with a homeowner to verify their address.  The 2020 Census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution, so our cooperation is vital to help ensure accuracy.

Before this work begins, we wanted to take some time and inform the community of some ways to verify a Census Bureau employee:

  • The field representative will present an ID badge that includes:
  1. Their name
  2. Their photograph
  3. A Department of Commerce stamp
  4. An expiration date
  • A field representative will be carrying an official bag with the Census Bureau logo or a laptop for conducting the survey.
  • Field representatives conduct their work between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm.
  • Upon request, the field representative will provide you with their supervisor’s contact information and/or the phone number for the Census Bureau Regional Office. The Regional Office supervises the activities of all field representatives.

Please note that if at any time you see someone or something that you feel is suspicious to please report it to Security at 910-256-5311. Thank you.

Author: Admin