From the Chairman, Bill Hamlet
Summary of January 26, 2021 Landfall Council of Associations Board Minutes
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Landfall COA met via video conference on Tuesday, January 26, 2021. All members of the Board were in attendance. The financial report was reported as a positive income variance, but expenses due to Hurricane Isaias clean up and major equipment repairs were highlighted. The Board approved the Finance Committee’s recommendation to allocate the remaining 2020 net income of $31K to operating to offset the 2019 cumulative income deficit, and $157K to the unrestricted capital improvement fund subject to the final audit report.
Related to the COA Committees, it was clarified that six-one year terms served by the Landscape Sub Committee is the equivalent of the two three-year term limits previously set by the COA Board. In the event there are insufficient qualified volunteers, the COA Board ruling allowing the waiver of the term limit requirement will be put in affect for that year. The COA Board also voted to allow volunteers to serve on more than one COA Committee at a time if there are insufficient volunteers willing to serve.
The Board of Directors’ election ballots have been mailed and should be returned no later than March 8th; these ballots will be counted by the Nominating Committee following the deadline. The Board received an overview and cost estimation for concrete sidewalk installation for consideration; it was suggested that an RFP be developed and sent out to three contractors for quotes on all aspects of the project. The Board recommended that the ARC Guidelines be reviewed by our COA Attorney so that the guidelines’ language, development of form letters, process for neighbor/HOA input, Board consideration of appeals of ARC decisions, and the development of a file retention policy could be determined.