Hello Landfall Residents! 

As we are all acutely aware, Hurricane Season has begun. Although we hope that we will not experience another storm, it is essential to be prepared. 

We wanted to remind you that our Landfall COA Maintenance department has a team of small engine mechanics who are able to service generators and ensure that they are functioning properly. Generator tune-up, service, and repairs can be completed at a rate of $65.00/man-hour, plus parts. We strongly suggest having our team do this work sooner rather than later to ensure your generator is up and running before a storm arrives. Please keep in mind that we also offer small engine service such as chainsaws, weed-eaters, mowers, etc.! 

Landfall Maintenance also has a hurricane shutter program. If you would like to be on the list for this program, please contact our Maintenance office. In the event a hurricane is forecasted, our staff will contact each resident on the program directly to confirm whether or not they require assistance. 

If you have any questions, if you would like to be put on the hurricane shutter list, or if you would like to submit a work order for your generator or any other small engine service or repair, please contact us at maintenance@landfall.org or (910) 256-7604. 

For additional information about the important storm clean up policies, please see Steve Hughes’ article on page 3 of the June/July Voice Newsletter. 

Thank you, 

Landfall Maintenance

Author: Admin