Hurricane Matthew
October 4, 2016

Approaching Hurricane Matthew

Due to the prediction of rainfall amounts from the approaching Hurricane Matthew, COA Maintenance is in the process of lowering lakes and ponds throughout Landfall to alleviate flooding. The COA is paying close attention to this storm and we will continue to update you with pertinent information as this storm progresses.

We recommend that you begin storm preparations if you have not already done so. Bring loose items inside that could become projectiles in high winds. For more information on preparation for hurricanes or useful information from the Wilmington Fire Department and EMS, please click here to view the slides from the June Hurricane Symposium put on by Landfall CERT or visit the National Hurricane Center website at If you need help with securing your loose items, please contact the Maintenance Department by calling 910-256-7604 and we will be glad to help.

The COA would like to know the individuals who plan to stay in their Landfall residence during this storm. Please consider filling out the form found here, once filled out it can be emailed to, faxed to 910-256-7662 or you can drop off the form at any of the guard houses.

Post Storm Clean Up

As of this morning, the COA has no new information from the City of Wilmington or FEMA. However, if the storm should result in debris in Landfall, COA Maintenance will be performing storm clean up from common areas and the road right of ways. Keep in mind that there may be broken branches or limbs in your trees that could come down; please use caution as the property is cleaned up. If you plan to perform your own clean up, please have the vegetative debris placed adjacent to the curbs and out of the road. If you are using a tree service or landscape company to clean your property, we will allow them to bring the vegetative debris to the COA office on Drysdale Drive for disposal of debris at no charge. Please call 910-256-7604 to let the COA know if your contractor will be dumping vegetative debris so that we can ensure that someone will be on site to direct them.

As always, if the COA can be of any assistance in your clean-up, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

Thank you!

Author: Admin