Dear Landfall Residents, 

The Landfall Council of Associations (LCOA) has just received an update from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) regarding the Drysdale Extension road construction project and its impact on Drysdale Drive. The NCDOT contractor informed us that they are planning to begin the Phase 1 construction, in conjunction with the U-5710A, Drysdale Extension project this week. This construction on Drysdale Drive may begin as early as the evening of Wednesday, May 1, 2024. 

It is our understanding that the construction will ONLY be conducted at night, during the hours of 9:00pm until 6:00am. Unfortunately, this will require the contractor to close the entrance and exit to Drysdale Drive and Military Cutoff Road up to the Library and BP Gas Station entrance during these hours. The NCDOT is unsure how long this section of Drysdale Drive will be closed. As a result, you may wish to avoid this congested area and utilize either the Eastwood and/or the Arboretum Security Gates to enter and exit the Landfall community during these times of closure. 

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience that this may cause you and your guests and we will keep you updated with any changes or as information becomes available. 

As Always, When We Know You’ll Know! 

Your Landfall Task Force

Author: Admin