Hello Landfall Residents,
Landfall Security is in the process of installing a new, updated Security software program. One of the features of this new program, once implemented, will allow you to log your guests using a mobile app, as well as other features that will assist Landfall Security. In order to maximize the programs potential, we need to ensure that we have accurate and up-to-date information in our database.
Our staff has already started to contact each owner and will continue calling over the next few weeks to review your information with you and make any necessary corrections or additions. We will be verifying names, mailing address, email(s), phone numbers, emergency contact(s), active vehicles and persons residing full time in the residence.
This should only take a few moments and we appreciate you taking the time to help us transition into the new program. Thank you in advance for your time and if you have any questions please call the COA office at 910-256-7651 and we will be happy to help.
Your Landfall COA