From the Chairman, Bill Hamlet:
Landfall Council of Associations September 28, 2021, Board of Directors Meeting Summary

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Landfall COA was held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. A complete quorum of the Board was in attendance in-person or via Zoom. Two members of the Board were not present and excused. The COA financials for the period ending August 31, 2021, were reviewed and approved; these financials continue to be very positive. Year-to-date revenue included assessments and Architectural Review Committee fees, as well as additional late fees, finance charges, and charges for damaged streetlights. The capital and unrestricted improvement funds equity ended the period at $2,484,000 and is currently projected to end the year at $2,034,000. Landfall Association Services (LAS) and Landfall Owners Services (LOS) programs’ consolidated net income year-to-date through August 31 was $291,648.

The Board approved a brief Landfall owner demographic survey that will be emailed to the community. The results will be provided in the Landfall Voice and included on the resident portal. The Board reviewed the two bids that staff received in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) that went out in late July related to the sidewalk engineering survey. Of the four firms that received the RFP, two bids were received and one of those was incomplete. Due to the poor overall response to the RFP, Mr. Hughes will submit the RFP to an additional engineering firm. Preliminary information is providing a much higher expense associated with this project than was initially anticipated so the Board requested we search for lower bids.

Related to COA operations, staff continues their ongoing efforts to encourage USPS to address the package delivery concerns in our community. This is proving to be a slow process but remains a priority. Additionally, staff continues to monitor the traffic levels on Drysdale Drive in conjunction with the upcoming NCDOT projects scheduled in 2023 and 2025. The surrounding business owners have been contacted and staff is hoping to organize a forum to discuss the traffic levels at this location and how we can collectively work to manage the impact, as any modifications to Drysdale Drive will affect us all.

The Kenan Chapel and The Great Oaks Club have plans in place to move forward with the 2021 Fall Festival, adhering to any Governor’s orders that may be in place at that time. Likewise, we anticipate Halloween festivities to commence and adhere to the Governor’s orders as well as Landfall’s Rules & Regulations.

In response to resident concerns about the level of water in Landfall Lake and the condition of the nature trails, the COA Staff, along with representatives from the Buildings and Grounds’ Committee and a Landfall owner, met with the Army Corp of Engineers and the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy (NENHC). Possible improvement, beautification, and further utilization of the conservation areas was discussed. There are stringent guidelines in place to protect these areas but future meetings to include the North Carolina Department of Water Quality are being scheduled to discuss some potential options to improve the esthetics and utilization of the areas.

The Board is hoping to expand the Communications Committee to include resident volunteers proficient in technology, website content and page design. More information about this expansion will be provided in the next issue of the Landfall Voice.

Author: Admin