From the Chairman, Gary Caison:
Landfall Council of Associations March 28, 2023, Board of Directors Meeting Summary
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Landfall COA was held on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. COA financials for the period ending February 28, 2023, were reviewed. The COA Operating equity was $119,000 which was $150,000 over budget plan and $107,000 over last year. The Capital Improvement Funds (CIF) equity ended the period at $3,422,000. Landfall Association Services (LAS) ended with a net income of $48,000 which was $7,000 over budget plan. Landfall Owners Services (LOS) ended with a net income of $7,000 which was $140,000 over budget plan. LOS income was $196,000 over budget and $220,000 over last year.
The Landfall COA will be managing all accounting aspects for the Landfall Community Garden Subcommittee (LCG) as it relates to the deposits collected for the lease of garden plots and the payment of invoices associated with setup and construction expenses.
The Finance Committee will now have an additional non-Board Member to serve during the 2023-2024 Committee rotation. Effective immediately, this Committee will consist of three non-Board Members and four COA Board Members, for a total of seven Committee members.
The Board’s approval of the ramps installed by Country Club of Landfall (CCL) at the golf cart crossings was ratified. The following reflects the Board’s decision regarding the ramps:
“…to grant the Country Club of Landfall permission to install ramps at each golf cart crossing within the curb and gutter area of the road rights of way to smooth the transition from cart path to curbing to pavement. These ramps shall be consistently maintained, well-marked, and shall not infringe on the road pavement. The Landfall COA Board of Directors may determine prompt removal for non-compliance regarding the standards of care required.”
At the Board’s February Board-Managers’ meeting, the Board previewed and discussed the KCI preliminary sidewalk survey. The Board members were in agreement with the side of the road selected by KCI for sidewalk placement. At the Pembroke Jones Drive and Arboretum Drive intersection, the survey determined that the sidewalk will cross Arboretum Drive a few houses down from the intersection and the Board agreed. The Board also agreed to placing the Pembroke Jones Drive sidewalk on the southeast side of Pembroke Jones Drive to the Eastwood Gate. A 4′ expanse of sod will separate the 5’ sidewalk from the road curb. The COA has also just learned that the City of Wilmington (City) will require stormwater permits in connection with the sidewalk installation. The cost estimate that KCI provided for engineering the stormwater designs will be an additional $40,000. Unfortunately, the City’s requirement for stormwater permits was a surprise to everyone connected with this project and has caused the timeline to be extended. In addition, this new requirement has caused the sidewalk project to be temporarily put on hold so that the project’s cost can be reevaluated.
Of the Country Club of Landfall’s (CCL) 487 non-property owners (NPOs), 202 have renewed their barcodes with a total of 371 barcodes activated. Since the barcodes have an annual expiration date of March 31, email reminders were sent on March 21 and March 29 to the NPOs who had not renewed their barcodes.
The Country Club of Landfall (CCL) will host their 2023 Easter Egg Hunt at the Nicklaus Clubhouse for club members on Saturday, April 8, 2023. The COA will not host an Easter Egg Hunt this year.
The Landfall COA Safety Day was held for the all employees on March 3. During this day of specific departmental training and presentations, severe weather, first aid, and cyber security were topics of interest for everyone.
The Landfall COA 2023 Annual Informational Meeting was held at the Country Club of Landfall (CCL) on March 30 at 6:00pm.
The 4th of July fireworks show will be held on July 3, 2023. This fireworks display will be held and viewable from the Country Club of Landfall (CCL) driving range. Since the cost of the fireworks show increased by 25% over last year, COA Management requested three additional bids for this annual event. Following a complete comparison of price, shot count, caliper (size) of each shot, and the overall length of the show, it was decided to remain with the current vendor, East Coast Pyrotechnics. As in years past, CCL agreed to split the overall cost of the show 50/50 with the COA.
COA Administration is compiling a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) in consideration of the development of a “FAQ” sheet that would be included on the Landfall COA Resident Portal.
In early April 2023, a mass email notification will be sent about the Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Garden Tour that Landfall will host. This information will include the April 14-16 tour and trolley schedule, as well as expected traffic impacts. COA Management and Security are working closely with the Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Garden Tour representatives regarding traffic management. The trolley pickup location has changed from the New Hanover County Northeast Library to behind the Regal Mayfaire movie theater in Mayfaire Town Center.
The Landfall COA 2022 annual audit is underway.