From the Chairman, Bill Hamlet:
Landfall Council of Associations December 6, 2022, Board of Directors Meeting Summary
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Landfall COA was held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022. Two of the seven Board members were not in attendance. The COA financials for the period ending October 31, 2022, were reviewed. The overall financials were summarized to include total Landfall COA Operating equity of $383,000; this is $343,000 better than budget plan and $26,000 under October 2021 year-to-date. The Capital Improvement Funds equity ended October 31, 2022, at $2,613,000 and is projected to end the year at $2,561,000. Landfall Association Services (LAS) and Landfall Owners Services (LOS) programs’ consolidated year-to-date net income through October 31, 2022, was $456,000.
The Board approved the 2023 slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee, for the COA Board Election as follows:
- District 1 – Kelly Garnett
- District 2 – Mike Hamby and Mike Pomponio
- At Large – Wayne Roberts and Vinod Rangra
The COA’s objective is for the Nominating process to generate community interest in serving on one of our various committees or as a COA Board representative. Again in 2023, the COA Board election will be completed via an electronic voting platform. You may anticipate receiving information related to this process in mid-to-late January 2023. Please ensure that the COA has your current contact information and be on the lookout for this email. For owners without an email address, paper ballots will be mailed via USPS. The Board would appreciate every owner participating in this process.
Our third quarter gate access traffic analysis reports reflect that there is a greater percentage of vehicles utilizing the Eastwood Gate as compared to the second quarter reports. The majority of vehicles entering Landfall continue to use the Arboretum Gate which is resulting in some minor delays. As a result, this issue is an on-going topic of discussion by the Covenants & Security Committee with recommendations for improvement always being evaluated and considered by your Board of Directors. The quarterly traffic counts will continue with the next study currently underway.
As communicated in March 2022, the Landfall Community will be a host to the 2023 Azalea Festival Garden Tour. There are now a total of five properties that have been selected for the Tour; one located on Dundee Drive, two on Radian Road, one on Balmoral Place and another near the Arboretum entrance on Arboretum Drive. Trolley of non-resident ticket holders into and out of Landfall will be required.
It was determined that the Landfall Rules and Regulations should be amended to address motorized vehicles and electronic bikes (e-bikes), as these become more prevalent in our community. This amendment will line up with the motor vehicle laws enforced by the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Highway Patrol. Additionally, related to Animal Control, you will see the elimination of the allowance for the Landfall COA to designate off leash areas for pets in our community. While the Landfall COA has never officially designated an off leash area, they felt that this allowance could lead way to confusion and preferred clearly defined Rules in this instance. The latest revised version of the complete Rules and Regulations is available digitally and via the COA website, with printed copies provided to new owners and available to owners upon request. Notice of the latest amendments will be provided to owners in the December 2022/January 2023 edition of the Landfall Voice newsletter.
In providing updates to current projects underway, the KCI engineers continue to survey the road rights-of-way with completion of the sidewalk survey expected during the latter part of the first quarter of 2023. Additionally, COA Management preview and initial testing of the new gate access software, Applications by Design (ABDI), is tentatively scheduled for the week of December 12.
COA Management continues to be in contact directly with the City of Wilmington’s Postmaster regarding parcel deliveries and concerns of the like. Thus far, this holiday season, complaints have been minimal.
The Landfall COA Annual Informational Meeting is scheduled for 6:00pm on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at the Country Club of Landfall. More information about this Meeting will be sent to you in the coming weeks so please be on the lookout for these notifications.
As previously communicated to the Landfall community, backdoor waste collection services were reinstated on December 1, 2022. As a result, please do not place your waste receptacles curbside on collection days. Coastal Waste Services will retrieve the receptacles and return them to the same location.
As directed by the Board, the Landfall COA Internet Survey Executive Summary has been provided to other fiber network providers in our area. As a result, CloudWyze and Spectrum have responded with interest in presenting a detailed, in-person proposal for Board consideration to provide a fiber network to the community. We will keep you updated on this progress.
Effective in 2023, the COA Board of Directors will meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month between the regularly scheduled Board meetings. These additional bi-monthly meetings will include the COA Board and COA Management. The Board members all agreed that more frequent meetings of the Board and Management may allow for more efficient and effective communication amongst the Board, as well as provide for a more prompt response time in addressing any COA Committee requests or community concerns.