Dear Landfall Residents,
In continuing its efforts of maintaining Landfall to the highest standards in every regard, the Landfall COA Board of Directors has been considering needed improvements to the community’s telecommunication infrastructure. Over the last year, the COA Board has conducted surveys and met with several telecom providers regarding their products and services, as well as their capabilities of installing a fiber optic network in Landfall. As a result of this in-depth research and due diligence, the COA Board has decided to move forward with an “Access Agreement” with AT&T. This “Access Agreement” will provide AT&T the ability to upgrade the telecommunication infrastructure within their current utility easements, located along the road rights-of-way throughout Landfall.
Upon completion of this fiber network project, all owners in Landfall will have the availability to contract independently with AT&T, if you so choose, to bring this fiber directly to your home.
AT&T’s installation of the fiber network will be constructed in phases and by Association(s). In the coming weeks you will be receiving additional and thorough communication from us about what to expect through this initiative as AT&T’s final, detailed installation plan and timeline are developed.
Please let us know if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support.
The Landfall COA