A word from the Chief

November 20, 2018
Hello Everyone,
With the holidays fast approaching, I wanted to send out a few reminders to help us all have a happy holiday. If you have holiday parties planned, please remember we want to park cars on one side of the street as well as avoid parking on our main roads. If you need assistance with parking, please call the COA or email me at and I will be happy to help.
With holidays and holiday parties, comes extra traffic and additional parking on side streets. Please realize the same traffic rules exist on Landfall streets as on any other city street. When faced with an obstruction in your lane of travel; you are required to yield to oncoming traffic. An obstruction could be a parked vehicle, a bicyclist, or service vehicle. Please use caution when maneuvering around parked or stopped vehicles to avoid a potential collision with oncoming traffic.
In the upcoming weeks, we can expect continuing road work in various locations across the property. Please watch for and obey all flagmen as they direct people around these areas safely.
Also, please remember to continue to call in your guests before they arrive as this helps to keep traffic at the gates flowing. Along with guests, please remember to call in Uber, food deliveries, and service personnel. Please remember to lock all doors and windows when leaving your home and please lock your vehicles and keep valuables out of sight.
On a final note, please be aware this is a prime time for scams. Duke Energy is aware of a phone scam where the caller requests immediate payment to avoid a service interruption. These people can sound very convincing as well as have the ability to make the phone number that appears on caller ID seem legitimate. Duke Energy advises hanging up and calling the number on your bill to get more information. Please contact me if you have any questions or information about potential scams.
On behalf of your Security staff, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!!!
Chris Adam