by Chris Adam
Hello Landfall Residents,
I am sending this message out today to ask everyone for their help. Over the last couple of weeks, there have been several reported acts of vandalism occurring throughout Landfall. There was recently damage to property at the newly renovated restrooms located at our Drysdale Recreation Site, and we have had multiple reports of excessive amounts of litter being left around our ponds from fishing. This past Saturday night, April 23rd, residents reported five homes within Landfall and the Temple Garden being damaged by eggs and toilet paper.
While the COA has video surveillance throughout the property and is looking into increasing the coverage areas, we still need the help of everyone to report anything suspicious. If you have information on any of the above incidents, or you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, please call security at 910-256-5311 so that we can get someone out to investigate right away. Let’s work together in the hopes of eliminating such activity in Landfall.
Thank you,
Chris Adam
Chief of Security