Landfall Electric Meter Change
January 23, 2020
Hello Landfall Residents,
Duke Energy has asked the Landfall COA to notify our residents that starting on Monday, January 27 they will be upgrading your current electric meters to “Smart Meters.”
This work will take place by Grid One, a contractor for Duke Energy. For your safety and security, every Duke Energy employee or contractor carries a picture ID card. The trucks will be marked with a Duke Energy sticker. Utility Line Construction Services (ULCS) will also be onsite utilizing bucket trucks for this transition.
We have been informed that if no one is available, the technician will leave a note saying the installation was successful. If the technician was not able to access the meter, they will leave a note indicating that an appointment is needed, along with instructions to schedule that appointment. If the property has more than one meter, multiple visits may be made. The installation process may cause a brief interruption in service.
This work should be finished no later than Thursday, January 30.
To learn more about the Smart Meters you can go to their website at:
For questions or concerns about the meter change, please contact Duke Energy at 877-744-5139.
Thank you.
Landfall COA