Landfall Wildlife

Steve Hughes, Chief of Operations

March 24, 2017

Now that spring has arrived, so has an increase in the activities of our beautiful wildlife within Landfall. I have always encouraged everyone to enjoy and respect the amazing wildlife we have here in our community. However, please be reminded to do so from a very safe distance! Nesting wildlife are all over the place in spring; around lakes and ponds, in trees and in the conservation areas. These animals need their space all year round and even more so when they are raising their young. They can become very aggressive, and understandably so, in protecting their offspring.

I have received some very disturbing reports of human interaction with some of the wildlife, such as disturbing their nest as well as throwing objects at them… So let’s all remind our families regarding the wildlife in Landfall and how to peacefully live with them and enjoy their beauty at the same time. North Carolina wildlife has a wonderful website as well as educated officers that are always willing to help. Believe me, that’s who I call when I need answers to wildlife questions or receive disturbing calls regarding mistreatment of the wildlife. I think we can all agree that our wildlife needs a voice too.

In addition, over the next several weeks you will notice many turtles crossing our roads to lay their eggs near the water. Please pay special attention to this as you are driving the speed limit throughout the community. Here are two areas where this will be especially important: Pembroke Jones Drive between the two Quadrant Circle intersections and on Arboretum Drive as you cross over the causeway between Deer Island lane and Montrose Lane (The Highlands entrance).

I will end with a reminder to PLEASE pick up after your domestic animals. We seem to be going in the wrong direction with this issue, as many are neglecting to pick up after pets as they enjoy common areas in Landfall. You may also want to double check your pets – I think some of you might have been sold a horse!

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, or call 910-256-7604. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Author: Admin