Landfall Maintenance Update

June 13, 2019

Good afternoon Landfall residents. I wanted to send a word of caution out to everyone with regard to ongoing effects from Hurricane Florence. There are still many large limbs that were damaged and weakened from the storm and continue to fall throughout the property. Please use extreme caution when you are outside around trees. Additionally, many of you have most likely noticed there are still many trees dying from last year’s damage as well. You will, unfortunately, continue to see this over the next several months as tree roots may have been wounded underground due to the tree shifting in the high winds, open trunk wounds cause the tree to become susceptible to diseases and salt exposure are just a few reasons as to why this is occurring. There are still many large and small broken limbs that still need to come down. If any of these are happening on your property, please take the appropriate steps to minimize the risk and please be reminded that ARC approval is required for tree removals. 

Weeds in lawns and landscape beds are out of control this spring. For those of you that are experiencing this, you may wish to contact your landscaping company to get this issue under control. Numerous applications of a broad spectrum herbicide seem to be working the best. However, hand pulling (though very time consuming) is very effective as well. 

The major road resurfacing is now complete. Over the next few weeks, localized pothole sections of roads will be repaired throughout the property. New reflectors have been ordered and will be installed on several of our main roads soon. Please use extra caution when you approach these areas when they are being installed. Thank you again to everyone for your support, cooperation, and kind compliments as we continue to recover from Florence. 

Steve Hughes C.O.O.

Author: Admin